Public Law & Economics

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Class 3

Class 3

Tools of NIE, related research programs and open questions Game Theory Comparative Institutional Analysis, Laboratory experiments and Econometrics Relationship of NIE to related programs

Class 2

Class 2

Institutions: Functions, Types, Interdependencies and related research questions Defining Institutions Types of Institutions and their relations & Systemization of Institutions

Class 1

Class 1

Course Introduction, the Economic Approach to Human Behavior and some modifications by NIE Introduction to the course The Economic Approach Modifications of the NIE to the Economic Approach


This Blog is part of the Blogfarm of the University Hamburg. Dieses Blog wird als Teil der Blogfarm auf Servern der Universität Hamburg gehostet. Inhaltliche Verantwortlichkeit Für die Richtigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte sind die jeweiligen Erstellerinnen und Ersteller der… Continue Reading →